Human Values

Palestinian Fight for Freedom
Welcoming all Faiths

Loud & Clear

Common Fight for Freedom

Al-Shabaka podcast

Rethinking Palestine

10 simple words to express national rights and future vision for Palestine, rejecting colonial partition schemes that deny Palestinians connections to their homeland.

Settler Colonial Apartheid 

Institutionalized over 76 years
Normalized over last 30 years

Emphasizing the core issues of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is crucial for understanding its nature and complexities. The conflict is fundamentally rooted in the dispossession and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people over the past seven decades. These actions, which involved compulsory population transfer and the displacement of Palestinians from their lands and homes, lie at the heart of the conflict's political dynamics.

It's essential to recognize that the conflict is not about antisemitism, as experienced in the Western world, but rather about the fundamental rights and territorial integrity of the Palestinian people. Regardless of the religious or cultural backgrounds of the parties involved, the intensity of the conflict would have remained the same. Whether Jewish, Muslim, or Christian, the core issues of dispossession and ethnic cleansing have shaped the conflict's trajectory and continue to be central to its resolution. Understanding this political dimension is vital for addressing the underlying causes and working towards a just and sustainable peace in the region.

Salman Abu Sitta in Conversation with Visualizing Palestine

"Our war is not a Military one, it's an Existence War"


Israel has declared war on occupied people.

"Right to defend itself??"

No such right for a Settler Colonial Occupation in international law.

Art 51 2004 Intern court of justice addressed that Israel cannot articulate a right to self defence because an Occupier can never claim self defence against the occupied.

Two-state Solution: 

Deception and Manipulation

Two-state solution would not result in a sovereign Palestinian state but rather a compromised version that still heavily favours Israel

1. Land Theft

the peace agreement would legitimize the theft of Palestinian land, both in the occupied West Bank and within Israel proper. Palestinians still have deeds to their land, while there are few land deeds for Zionists who were citizens of Palestine.

2. Control over Palestinian Lives

the peace agreement would legitimize Israeli control over various aspects of Palestinian life, including movement restrictions imposed by roadblocks, control over essential resources like water and electricity, and telecommunications.

3. Cancellation of Right of Return

the peace agreement would cancel Palestinians' rights of return to their homes and reparations, as outlined in UN Resolution 194.

4. Hegemony over Jerusalem

the peace agreement would legitimize Israel's hegemony over Jerusalem, including its holy sites and the old city.

5. Exclusive Jewish Colonies

the acceptance of over 150 exclusive Jewish colonies within the Palestinian state, which would hinder Palestinian movements and future growth.

6. Demilitarization of the Palestinian State

the peace agreement would result in the demilitarization of the Palestinian state, potentially limiting its sovereignty.

7. Exclusion of Palestinian Refugees

the peace agreement would exclude half of the Palestinian people who currently live outside Palestine as refugees in neighbouring countries.

for Documentation and Research

B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories 

Open-Fire Policy

This policy reflects deep disregard for Palestinian lives and property and enables the continued use of lethal force, crucial to enabling Israel to retain its violent control over millions of Palestinians.

B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights
in the Occupied Territories 

Two short-range executions of Palestinians in al-Far'ah R.C. on 8 December 2023

Great speech:

- King of Jordan condemned Israel's military actions in Gaza and the West Bank as unjustifiable and deliberately targeting Palestinians.

- Criticized global inaction and failure to protect civilians, putting the UN's legitimacy at risk.

- Called for the establishment of a protection mechanism for Palestinians across occupied territories.

- Stressed the importance of a just peace, grounded in equal rights and international law, for both Palestinians and Israelis.

- Urged for global unity and immediate humanitarian action to address the crisis in Gaza.

- Warned against the normalization of atrocities and escalation of conflict.

Not Allowed to Return to Their Homes