Israel: Above the Law

Ethnocracy / White Supremacy / Settler Colonial Legacy

Historic Ties & Cover

Hiroshima and Nagasaki                                     White Supremacy & Nazi

Supported Dictators Coup                                                                Vietnam

Israel: Sharing US Legacy

Rwanda                                                                    Nakba

South Africa                                                                Native America

USAtomic Bomb

Genocide Joe / Israeli Bombardment

Settler Colonial Legacy
"Kill the Native, Keep the Land"

Native American mass grave

Native Palestinian mass grave

The Ugly History Of The Native
Palestinian Genocide That You Don't
Learn In School
(Nor See On Mainstream Media)

Over the course of 75 bloody years, the Native Palestinian genocide, ethnic cleansing, and collective punishment carried out by both European settlers and the U.S. government army supply left millions dispossessed, displaced and dead.

Rwanda Genocide

Palestinian Genocide

Native America Genocide

Supreme Court rules:

Dismissing international law, the court permitted the state to commit a war crime.

B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

"Lavender" and "Where's Daddy"

How Israel Used AI to Form Kill Lists & Bomb Palestinians in Their Homes

Antony Loewenstein, investigative journalist “From the early inception of the state, Israel built its economy around the research, manufacture, and export of high-end arms, selling them to some of the most reprehensible regimes in the world. These included the CIA backed Contras in Nicaragua, the Guatemalan genocide of indigenous Mayans, Myanmar's ethnic cleansing campaign against the Rohingya, as well as South Africa's apartheid regime, which Israeli leaders in the 70s collaborated with and were inspired by. In some cases, Israel would sell weapons to a government on behalf of the United States when its ally didn't want to be seen publicly backing it. These military relationships helped prop up Israel as a diplomatic power, allowing it to evade criticism for its treatment of Palestinians and, more significantly, allowing it to use its occupied territories and its citizens in them as test subjects for its weapons and cybersecurity innovations.”

Legacy in Propaganda Theater & Cover-up for

Colonial Narrative

Israeli delegates wear yellow stars while
starved civilians in concentration camp are constantly being bombarded.

Israeli delegate is shredding UN charter
These actions are admired by Nazis, Far Right, and Supremacists.

Not Allowed to Return to Their Homes