
High Morals, Knowledge, and Integrity

Naila and the Uprising

Julia Bacha:  “First Intifada which is largely misunderstood in the West but also in Palestinian society... creation of parallel institutions: so building your own civil society in preparation for an independent state, and they managed to do that at a level that no other movement historically the anti-apartheid movement or the civil right movements actually was able to do to the extent that they built an entire infrastructure of hospitals, schools, of security that was separate from the occupying military power... the reason why they were able to be so effective in building those institutions was because the women were the ones leading the underground resistance and that is a story that Palestinians don't know today and the reason why they don't know is because as you saw in the end of the film they were pushed aside and that was a tragedy and it's a travesty and has huge implications today for the possibility of a successful movement emerging in the region correcting narratives correcting the history is critically important for informing how we move into the future.”

First Intifada Mindset

Leaders of integrity and high moral standing are needed, such as Haidar Abdel-Shafi, who represented Palestinians with dignity at the Madrid Conference, engaging with heads of state from Russia and America. Sadly, he was deceived by Arafat, who orchestrated a secretive deal in Oslo without disclosing it to the Palestinian delegation.

People like Ilan Pappe, who refused to be contaminated by the covert Oslo betrayal, are desperately needed. Despite facing immense challenges, he consistently upheld moral principles. We look to figures like him to guide us into a new era, devoid of ambiguity and covert agreements.

Honesty and integrity must prevail to honour the achievements of the first Intifada and instigate a renaissance.

Outdated intimidation and the inertia of corrupt diplomacy should be rejected. Instead, we seek genuine, proactive leaders capable of engaging in global human rights campaigns across all faiths and nationalities.

We deeply value diversity and uphold Universal Human Rights, rejecting the use of puppets serving narrow regional interests. It is time for a paradigm shift led by principled individuals committed to justice and accountability.

The momentum of global solidarity, which culminated with the Madrid 1991 Conference sponsored by Bush and Gorbachev, was dashed with the Oslo betrayal, erasing all achievements of the First Intifada. Now, another unprecedented wave of solidarity should pave the way for a new change.

It is imperative to remain vigilant and avoid recycling the old corrupt gang.

Expose Corrupt Diplomatic Mentality

The Palestinian diplomatic landscape is characterized by dormancy and corruption, hindering effective representation and progress. Despite a high proportion of educated individuals among Palestinians, those abroad often encounter a disappointing reality. In many countries worldwide, official "representatives" are invested in maintaining the status quo to safeguard their own privileges. While initially welcoming new arrivals from Palestine, they quickly ostracize and isolate those who seek to challenge the existing state of affairs. For decades, our cause has suffered due to the incompetence of our diplomatic channels. While Israeli activism has flourished, Palestinians have been burdened by the corrupt mentality of our diplomatic apparatus and its inactive official "representatives".

Zionist Settler Colonial Project

Understanding the nature of the Zionist Settler Colonial Project involves recognizing its long-term objectives and inherent characteristics. Unlike a temporary military occupation, which typically involves a temporary presence of military forces in a territory for strategic or security purposes, a settler colonial project aims to permanently establish a new society by displacing and replacing indigenous populations with settlers from another land.

1. Long-Term Objective

The goal of a settler colonial project is to create a permanent settlement by establishing a new society with its own political, economic, and social structures. In contrast, a temporary military occupation typically has a specific, limited objective such as maintaining security or exerting control over a disputed territory for a finite period.

2. Population Transfer

Settler colonial projects involve the deliberate transfer of settlers from one territory to another, often resulting in the displacement and marginalization of indigenous populations. Temporary military occupations may involve the presence of military forces but do not necessarily involve significant population transfer or demographic change.

3. Land Appropriation

Settler colonial projects often entail the systematic appropriation of land from indigenous peoples for the benefit of the settler population, leading to the dispossession of native communities. Temporary military occupations may involve control over territory for strategic or security reasons but may not necessarily result in long-term changes to land ownership or use.

4. Institutionalization of Control

Settler colonial projects aim to institutionalize control over the occupied territory through legal, political, and social mechanisms that reinforce the dominance of the settler population (PA). Temporary military occupations may rely primarily on military control and may not involve the establishment of permanent institutional structures for governance.

Understanding these distinctions is crucial for comprehending the dynamics and implications of different forms of colonialism and occupation, and for developing effective strategies for addressing them.

Normalisation Era

During the normalisation era, many Palestinians eagerly embraced the opportunity to benefit from the changing political landscape. However, as time passed, criticizing their own decisions became increasingly challenging. Warnings about the true nature of the Oslo deal were dismissed, and recent critical analyses have been actively marginalized. The hope lies in the courageous and truthful voices that are not bound by personal interests or affiliations and are free from rhetoric-driven discourse. These voices must recognize the reality of not just a limited occupation, but a Zionist settler colonial system characterized by its complex hegemony, alliances, and collaborators, including the Palestinian Authority's settler colonial police force, which is complicit in implementing the temporary occupation towards a multifaceted settler colonial apartheid regime. Additionally, authoritarian Arab rulers collaborate with the Zionist Settler Colonial regime, aligning to suppress movements advocating for justice and freedom.

Longest Occupation in Modern History

The Israeli occupation has persisted for the longest duration in modern history, and Palestinians have endured significant losses due to misplaced trust in deceptive leadership since the Naksa. The same leadership in exile understood the futility of attempting to liberate Palestine through armed conflict given the vast power imbalance, yet they persisted in offering what Israel sought. Zionists perpetually require armed conflicts to legitimize their agenda and bolster their propaganda. Despite the inherent risks to Palestinian lives, the leadership in exile continued to recruit earnest youth and deploy them into perilous situations to ensure continued financial support and secure their salaries from regional sponsors.

180 degree reversal

In a complete reversal over the past three decades, they hastily pivoted 180 degrees and orchestrated a clandestine betrayal of the representatives of the First Intifada at the Madrid Conference, all while continuing to receive salaries from Israel. What was initially perceived as mere Israeli occupation has since been revealed as a far more intricate Zionist settler colonial endeavour, adept at co-opting Palestinian armed resistance to serve its own agenda and eventually integrating the same resistance into a settler colonial police force for its own protection. It has become evident that what was thought to be a temporary occupation was, in fact, a long-term settler colonial scheme, supported by potent propaganda mechanisms alongside cutting-edge research and military industries. A pervasive indoctrination apparatus instils a culture of fear in Israeli citizens from childhood, ensuring societal cohesion and detachment from Palestinian suffering. Meanwhile, this same propaganda exerts even greater influence abroad, spanning military-industrial interests, economic ventures, lobbying institutions, and decision-making hubs, all bolstered by an assertive diplomacy, while Palestinian diplomatic efforts remain largely dormant at best.

The settler colonial Zionist state has adeptly repurposed the corrupt Palestinian leadership to suit its own interests. Over the past three decades, it has successfully normalised its apartheid regime, perpetuating regular genocidal attacks, collective punishment, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, all under the watchful eye of the settler colonial police force, which is all too willing to comply.

Serving Israeli Agenda

Following the Naksa, Palestinians found themselves unable to hold the leadership in exile accountable. The excuse of armed "conflict" between vastly unequal forces rendered centralized command unattainable, making it futile to engage in military confrontations with Israel. Decades were squandered in ineffective clashes, serving the Israeli project's agenda and ensuring a steady flow of salaries for the corrupt exile leadership. Throughout this time, diplomacy remained structurally corrupt or, at best, largely dormant.

Facing Deception post-Naksa

The first Intifada demonstrated a profound understanding of the most effective means of confronting Israel by recognizing its true nature. However, after 30 years of normalization, Palestinians have lost the clarity of insight needed to understand their prolonged suffering. 

In 1967, Arab populations were ill-prepared for the Naksa. Genuine populations placed their trust in their armies and communication channels, only to have that trust betrayed. 

Decades of deception following the Naksa have left Palestinians struggling to grasp the full extent of what occurred. The normalization process has made it increasingly difficult to acknowledge the flawed analyses and the long-standing betrayal of trust.

Palestinians can rejuvenate hope by

1. Understanding the nature of Zionist Settler Colonial project

and the difference of a temporary military occupation.

2. Understanding Israeli Intentions

Recognize that Israel thrives on conflict and actively seeks out clashes to maintain control.

3. Facing and analysing the long Deception post-Naksa

Conduct a thorough analysis of the prolonged occupation and the deterioration of Palestinian life, fostering brave insight and understanding.

4. Isolating the PA settler colonial police force

analysing its role in repression and elimination of First Intifada achievements in coordination with Israeli intelligence.

5. Isolating Corrupt Diplomacy

Replace ineffective and corrupt diplomatic representatives with young, passionate communicators. Palestinian students abroad should take up this mantle, overcoming frustrations and utilizing their privilege to communicate effectively.

6. Encouraging Grassroots Movements

Promote the emergence of new First Intifada grassroots movements that are free from centralized military mindsets.

7. Implementing Effective Strategies

Civil society and study centres should contribute to the development and implementation of effective, affordable strategies.

8. Exposing Oslo Dealers Lies and Promoting Honest Analysis

Encourage honest and brave intellectual analysis, steering clear of demagogic influences driven by financial gain.

9. Fighting for Universal Values

Recognize that the Palestinian struggle is rooted in universal human values that transcend faiths and nationalities.

10. Strengthening Alliances

Forge stronger alliances with courageous Jews who oppose Zionism, uniting against oppressive ideologies.

11. Avoiding Religious Conflicts

Clarify that the Palestinian fight is not based on religion but on the pursuit of universal human rights for all.

These are merely suggestions. This platform seeks to serve as a laboratory of idees that welcomes candid and in-depth examination.

"Never Forget" Forum

Indeed, this platform serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas and encourages honest and deep analysis of various topics. Users are welcome to express their perspectives, engage in meaningful discussions, and contribute to a diverse range of conversations. Through open dialogue and critical thinking, this platform fosters intellectual exploration and the sharing of insights on a wide array of subjects.

Focusing on the Palestinian cause entails revealing the deception perpetuated by various actors and exposing the underlying settler colonial strategy employed in the region. By shining a light on these issues, we can bring attention to the injustices faced by the Palestinian people and work towards a better understanding of the complex dynamics at play. Through education, advocacy, and awareness-raising efforts, we can contribute to efforts aimed at addressing these systemic challenges and advocating for the rights and dignity of Palestinians.

Zionist Settler Colonial State
would Collapse without
Clashes or American Support

1. Clashes

The term "clashes" likely refers to the ongoing conflict between Israel and various Palestinian groups or neighbouring countries. This conflict, characterized by military confrontations, acts of resistance, and geopolitical tensions, has been a defining feature of the region for decades. The implication here is that without this perpetual state of conflict, the Zionist settler colonial state would face internal or external pressures that could potentially lead to its collapse. The conflict serves as a mechanism for justifying Israeli security measures, reinforcing nationalist sentiments, and maintaining societal cohesion.

2. American Support

The United States has been a staunch ally and supporter of Israel since its establishment in 1948. This support manifests in various forms, including diplomatic backing, military aid, economic assistance, and political alignment on key issues. American support is crucial for Israel's defence capabilities, economic development, and international legitimacy. Without consistent backing from the United States, Israel might face greater diplomatic isolation, security vulnerabilities, and economic challenges, which could undermine its long-term viability.

US Controversial "Aid" to Israel 

Even while the US faces many urgent social and economic problems, a large portion of the financial resources going to Israel would be better used to solve social problems at home, like homelessness, poverty, and access to healthcare and education.

1. US Poverty

The United States faces persistent poverty issues, with millions of people living below the poverty line. Economic aid provided to Israel could instead be directed towards poverty alleviation programs within the U.S., such as expanding access to affordable housing, job training initiatives, and social welfare programs.

2. US Homelessness

Homelessness is a major concern in many U.S. cities, with individuals and families lacking stable housing. Redirecting funds from military aid to Israel towards homelessness prevention efforts, supportive housing programs, and mental health services could address this issue more directly.

3. US Healthcare

Access to affordable healthcare is a significant issue in the U.S., with millions of Americans lacking health insurance or facing high healthcare costs. Increased investment in healthcare infrastructure, expansion of Medicaid, and implementation of universal healthcare initiatives could improve health outcomes for Americans.

4. US Education

Education is often seen as a pathway out of poverty, yet disparities in educational resources persist across different regions and communities in the U.S. Redirecting funds from foreign aid to Israel towards improving public education, increasing teacher salaries, and providing resources for schools in underserved areas could enhance educational opportunities for all Americans.

While providing aid to Israel may serve strategic and geopolitical interests, it comes at the expense of addressing pressing domestic needs. There is need for a re-evaluation of U.S. foreign aid priorities to ensure that taxpayer dollars are used effectively to address domestic social and economic challenges.

Intifada 2.0 

Anti-War Movement

Noam Chomsky & Edward Herman

Media: Manufacturing Consent

1. Ownership and Advertising:

 Major media firms are owned by large corporations or conglomerates, whose primary aim is profit. This creates an inherent bias towards news that serves corporate interests. Furthermore, the reliance on advertising revenue means that news content must align with the interests of advertisers, leading to the exclusion of topics that could offend them or their audience.

2. Sourcing:

 The media depend heavily on information provided by government and corporate sources. This dependency creates a symbiotic relationship, where the media serve as a conduit for the perspectives of the elite. The sheer volume of information these sources can provide, coupled with their perceived authority, ensures that their viewpoints dominate the news landscape.

3. Flak:

 Negative responses to media content, or flak, can come from various sources, including government, corporations, or organized pressure groups. Flak can lead to self-censorship or a hesitance to publish content that might attract criticism, further ensuring that the media align with powerful interests.

4. Anticommunism as a Control Mechanism:

 The ideology of anticommunism serves as a powerful filter, framing communism as the ultimate evil and justifying the suppression of leftist movements and radical ideas. This ideology fragments the left, undermines labour movements, and rationalizes support for fascist regimes as lesser evils. It keeps liberals on the defensive, forcing them to prove their anti-communist credentials and often leading them to act in reactionary ways.

5. Dichotomization and Propaganda Campaigns:

 The filters ensure a dichotomized world view, where news about friendly regimes or allies is positive and uncritical, while enemy states are depicted negatively. The media create worthy and unworthy victims, with extensive, sympathetic coverage for the former and minimal, dismissive coverage for the latter. This serves to propagate elite interests and support government policies, including military interventions and foreign policy objectives.

Generational awareness

 is more necessary than ever.

Awareness of the complicity of previous generations is finally emerging on a global scale. New generations, from the US to Europe, are beginning to recognize the silent complicity of their predecessors in normalizing a brutal regime. Thousands of young Jews are loudly declaring, "Not in my name," rejecting the actions carried out under the guise of their faith.

With the unfolding genocide in Gaza, we Palestinians must follow the courage of the young generation and break the silence and complicity that have lasted for decades. The betrayal of the First Intifada was evident, and it's time to expose Oslo dealers.

This platform serves multiple purposes:

1. It aims to facilitate informed decision-making and promote easy understanding of involvement in advocating for universal human values, while providing essential information on the basics of boycott movements.

2. The platform shares insightful analyses and unveils hidden truths to foster understanding and facilitate a new way of life or fight, inspired by the spirit of the First Intifada. It encourages consciousness of adversaries and alliances.

3. It seeks to deepen understanding of the entanglement of US imperial power with colonial entities such as the EU, UK, and Israel, as well as authoritarian Arab rulers. This entanglement is driven by a desire to maintain hegemony and prioritize interests and profits over human values.

4. The platform sheds light on the unprecedented scale of crimes associated with ongoing ties and collaborations between Arab countries and Israel. It emphasizes the need to reevaluate the perception of the Israeli Occupation as a temporary isolated identity and instead understand it as part of a broader settler colonial Zionism. This ideology is intertwined with a settler colonial mentality prevalent in the West, which actively supports (in the case of the EU) or directly participates (as seen with the US and UK) in ethnic cleansing and genocidal supremacy.

...I'm working on bringing Bibi and Gallant to Hague (ICJ)

Corrupt Diplomacy

Decades of dysfunctional and corrupt Palestinian diplomacy, interested in maintaining the status quo to preserve its privileges, unable/uninterested in balancing the Zionist activism.

Enough is Enough

Corrupt diplomacy ought to be cleared out or invited to retire, and young, engaged students should take its place in an effort to revive the First Intifada's accomplishments.

Please Actively Support
Independent Media

Skip your bar coffee and make a donation to honest journalistic investigators

"We're Being Targeted:
Join Us In Standing up to the War Machine"

Please, actively support our Human Rights Advocates.
They risk their source of income for supporting Human Values.

Follow & Actively Support

Armed Fighters for 20 Years

Settler Colonial Police Force for 30 years

in Coordination with Israeli Intelligence

Comparison between
the leadership of the First Intifada
and the traditional leadership in exile.

Cultural Orientation

First Intifada: Grounded in the values and aspirations of the Palestinian people.

Exile leadership: Tended to prioritise power dynamics and external interests.

Approach to Resistance

First Intifada: Non-violent, grassroots mobilisation.

Exile leadership: Reliance on armed strategies and external sponsorships.


First Intifada: Leaders were held accountable to the local population.

Exile leadership: Historical lack of accountability for failed strategies.

Connection to the Ground

First Intifada: Directly connected to the occupied territories.

Exile leadership: Operated from a position of exile, detached from local realities.


First Intifada: Honest communication and transparent actions.

Exile leadership: Instances of deception and ambiguity.

Impact on the Poor

First Intifada: Considerate of the needs of the impoverished.

Exile leadership: Criticized for exploiting the vulnerable segments of society.

Long-Term Vision

First Intifada: Clear goals focused on ending occupation and self-determination.

Exile leadership: Goals sometimes appeared ambiguous, lacking a clear long-term vision.

Boycott Apartheid 


Amid censorship and disinformation, our mission is to shed light on the realities of Palestine, expose the Israel's settler colonial regime and complicity of the PA and authoritarian Arab rulers in perpetuating the status quo.

1. Exposing the Nature of Israel and what fuels its Project
Unveiling the tactics and objectives behind Israel's propaganda machine to shed light on its agenda and manipulative strategies aimed at shaping public perception.

2. Revealing the Palestinian Authority's Decades of Unaccountability
The PA's transition from exile to governance did not bring about a shift in mentality, allowing it to continue evading accountability and marginalizing dissent within a centralized military culture. This objective seeks to uncover the nature of the PA's lack of accountability and its consequences.

3. Uncovering the Powerful Achievements of the First Intifada
Delving into the significant achievements and impact of the First Intifada, highlighting its role as a grassroots movement for Palestinian rights and empowerment.

4. Revealing Historical Context for
Informed Decision-Making
Providing historical context and untangling the web of censorship and disinformation surrounding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to empower individuals to make informed decisions, and to unveil the deception.

Through the exploration of Israel's settler colonial regime and its normalization strategies, this endeavour seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of historical context, enabling informed decision-making for effective action. 

By shedding light on the underlying motives and consequences of Israel's policies and the Palestinian Authority's role, we aim to empower individuals to critically engage with the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and contribute towards meaningful change.

Not Allowed to Return to Their Homes