
Kapos in Concentration Camps

PA's role mirrors that of the Kapos in concentration camps during the Nazi era: administering the camp on behalf of the oppressor without prioritizing the security and well-being of the inmates.

Over the last 30 years, the agenda of the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been dictated by Israel. 

The PA's mandate is to administer the Occupied Territories on behalf of Israel. 

However, there has been no concern shown by the PA, in Oslo Deal, for critical issues such as refugee return, settlements, water rights, land sovereignty, Palestinian safety, or the development of infrastructures for an independent economy.

Becoming Undeclared Loyalist: 

Settler Colonial Subcontractor

"Get rid of Haidar Abdel-Shafi
with First Intifada leadership"

"As you wish"                                                                                                                           

Exceptional gather of Gorbachev and Bush at Madrid 1991: Unique Chance,
Sabotaged & Betrayed!

George Orwell's
"Animal Farm" parallel

"حاميها حراميها"

"Her defender is her thief"

Authoritarian Practices 

Much like Napoleon authoritarian rule in "Animal Farm," the corrupt leadership, not aligned with the ethos of the First Intifada, adopted practices that contradicted the democratic mindset and community belonging of the Palestinian people.

This shift was noticeable in coordination with Israeli intelligence, marking a departure from the principles of the grassroots uprising.

Her defender is her thief = حاميها حراميها

Abbas has also been working hard to erode any democratic spaces in the West Bank. He has merged all three branches of government – the legislative, executive and judiciary – so that there are no checks on his power.

To maintain his grip on power, Abbas also wields an extensive security apparatus. The internationally funded and trained PA security sector employs 50 percent of civil servants and takes 30 percent of the total budget of the PA – more than education, health and agriculture combined.

It is responsible for a monumental amount of human rights abuses, including the arrest of activists, the harassment of journalists and the torture of political detainees.

In many cases, repression by the PA security apparatus complements those by the Israelis. For example, in 2021, during what became known as the Unity Intifada, many activists were arrested and violently interrogated by PA security forces. This year, after the invasion of the Jenin refugee camp by Israeli regime forces, the PA arrested many of those in the camp who were previously incarcerated by the Israelis in a practice known as the “revolving door”.

It regularly hands over surveillance information about Palestinians to the Israeli army and does nothing to counter its regular deadly attacks on Palestinian villages, towns and camps. Effectively, the PA security forces work hand in hand with the Israeli regime to quell Palestinian resistance.

By working with the Israelis, Palestinians see that their best hope for a future state will be convincing Israel that they are capable of overseeing security in the West Bank, writes Binder [Reuters]


Loyalists         &          Kapos

Cultural Clash

Military Mindset  vs  Civil Society

Palestinian society, despite facing the challenges of Israeli settler colonial occupation, boasts a high level of education and a democratic mindset rooted in community values.

The clash with the PA's increasingly authoritarian practices, marked by attacks on journalists and dissent, reflected a departure from the democratic principles upheld during the First Intifada.

Training & Coordination
Israeli Intelligence

The compatibility issues extended to the Palestinian Authority's coordination with Israeli intelligence. The PA's agenda and actions were dictated by Israeli authorities, showcasing a departure from the autonomous and grassroots nature of the First Intifada.

Human Rights Concerns

Unlike the First Intifada's engagement with human rights organizations and civil society, the PA exhibited a reluctance to deal with such entities.

The shift in mindset and practices was evident in how the PA's agenda seemed aligned with Israeli directives rather than the interests of the Palestinian people.

This comparison underscores the transformation of the Palestinian political landscape, highlighting the divergence from the democratic and community-driven ethos of the First Intifada towards a more authoritarian and externally influenced system.

Over last 30 years

Complicity & coordination with Israeli intelligence


Unfit for Purpose
Very old diplomacy holds onto its dominance, reluctant to give up their positions to competent and professional new generation.

Why we Palestinians are closer to the abyss than we ever have been?

A corrupt subcontractor, the Palestinian Authority (PA), rushed into a secretive deal against the representatives of the First Intifada to secure power and control any opposition to their decades of failure. Acting as a settler colonial police force, the PA has systematically eroded the achievements of the grassroots movement, which was characterized by its unique underground social infrastructure and supportive network.

After 20 years of corrupt leadership in exile, they chose to normalize ties with the settler colonial apartheid regime, switching sides and undermining the international solidarity gained during the First Intifada grassroots uprising. This prolonged deception from within is worse than the Naksa of 1967. Over the past 30 years, in coordination with Israeli intelligence, they have shamelessly continued their deceptive rhetoric, paving the way for the Abraham Accords.

Subcontractor Recruited as
Settler Colonial Police Force

Converged Interests

Despite historical conflicts and opposing narratives, there have been instances where the interests of certain factions within both Israeli and Palestinian leaderships have converged following Oslo and the subsequent developments over the last three decades.

1. Oslo Accords and Interests Alignment

Behind the doors, the agreement was intended to recruit the old armed resistance for the administration of Palestinian Occupied Territories with a clear security mandate in coordination with intelligence services.

The declaired intention was to pave the way for a two-state solution and establish a framework for cooperation between Israel and the newly created Palestinian Authority (PA). This period witnessed a certain alignment of interests between elements within the Israeli government and the PA leadership.

2. Common Interests in Governance

The establishment of the PA provided a form of self-governance for Palestinians in limited areas of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. For elements within the Israeli government, this arrangement offered a level of control over security matters while potentially reducing direct Israeli administrative responsibilities in these territories.

3. Security Coordination

The Oslo era saw the establishment of security coordination mechanisms between Israeli and Palestinian security forces. This cooperation, ostensibly aimed at maintaining stability and preventing violence, served the interests of both parties to some extent. However, it also led to criticisms, as the PA security forces were exposed as collaborating with Israeli authorities.

4. Economic Interdependence

Over time, economic ties between Israel and the Palestinian territories deepened. Palestinian labor was employed in Israeli industries, and there were economic agreements that facilitated a degree of interdependence. However, this economic cooperation was not without controversies, with critics arguing that it perpetuated an imbalanced power dynamic.

5. Challenges to Grassroots Movements

While certain factions within the leadership found common ground, these developments faced challenges from grassroots movements. Elements of Palestinian civil society were critical of what they saw as compromising the goals of the resistance.

6. Long-Term Implications

The alignment of interests during the Oslo era had long-term implications. It influenced the trajectory of the peace process with Arab countries with similar convenience, the establishment of the Palestinian Authority, and the challenges faced by grassroots movements advocating for a different approach. The convergence of interests, however, did not necessarily address the underlying issues at the heart of the conflict.

Her defender is her thief

حاميها حراميها

"Political Leaders are Complicit and Supportive of what is happening"

Exposed but Not Ashamed

Avi Shlaim:

"I have a moral duty to denounce
Zionist settler colonialism
American imperialism"

1. Opposition to Abraham Accords

Avi Shlaim strongly opposes the Abraham Accords, emphasizing that they are not genuine peace agreements between democratic societies but rather transactional agreements between authoritarian Arab rulers and an apartheid state.

2. Stabbing the Back of Palestinians

Arab signatories of the Abraham Accords have betrayed the Palestinians by normalizing relations with Israel without addressing the ongoing Palestinian struggle for rights and self-determination.

3. Core Jewish Values

Shlaim highlights the core values of Judaism as truth, justice, and peace. He criticizes the Netanyahu government for being contrary to these values, describing it as aggressive, expansionist, racist, and supremacist.

4. Moral Duty

As a Jew and an Israeli, Shlaim believes he has a moral duty to denounce Zionist settler colonialism and American imperialism. He expresses solidarity with the Palestinians in their struggle for peace and dignity on their own land.

"Although the Anglo-French partition of the defeated Ottoman Empire in 1920 created several nominally independent Arab states, or what British imperial leaders described as an "Arab facade" to cover up the reality of British imperial rule, neither Britain nor its Arab rulers - referenced by historian Arnold Toynbee as the "Arab henchmen" of British colonialism - were able to avert growing hostility towards colonial Zionism in Palestine."

"At a basic level, Arabs collectively understood the existential threat posed by the creation of a modern, expansionist, western settler-colonial, ethno-religious, nationalist state in their midst."

"The new Palestinian Authority created by the Oslo Accords became an auxiliary of Israel's military control over the occupied West Bank and Gaza."

Settler Colonial Subcontractors

Abraham Accords

The Abraham Accords, signed in 2020, were a series of agreements between Israel and several Arab states, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Sudan, and later Morocco. These accords aimed to normalize diplomatic, economic, and cultural relations between Israel and these Arab countries. While presented as a diplomatic breakthrough that would promote regional stability and cooperation, they have been widely criticized for various reasons.

1. Exclusion of Palestinians

The Abraham Accords were negotiated and signed without any input from the Palestinian leadership. This exclusion marginalized the Palestinian cause and bypassed the need for Israel to address key Palestinian grievances, including the ongoing occupation, settlement expansion, and the lack of progress towards Palestinian statehood.

2. Normalization without Resolution

The normalization of relations with Israel by Arab states through the Abraham Accords occurred without any meaningful progress towards resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Instead of using their leverage to push for a just and comprehensive peace agreement, these Arab states effectively rewarded Israel without requiring concessions on key issues affecting Palestinian rights.

3. Undermining Palestinian Solidarity

The normalization of relations between Israel and Arab states through the Abraham Accords undermined the long-standing Arab consensus on supporting the Palestinian cause. By establishing diplomatic ties with Israel, these Arab states weakened the unified stance in support of Palestinian rights and self-determination, effectively sidelining Palestinian interests in favour of their own political and economic interests.

4. Legitimising Israeli Policies

The Abraham Accords provided a diplomatic victory for Israel by legitimizing its presence in the region and normalizing its relations with Arab states without addressing key Palestinian grievances. This normalization was perceived as a tacit endorsement of Israeli policies, including settlement expansion in the occupied territories and the ongoing blockade of Gaza, further entrenching the status quo of Israeli occupation and oppression.

"Stabbed the back" of the Palestinians 

Abraham Accords represented a diplomatic breakthrough for Israel and participating Arab states but were widely criticized for undermining Palestinian solidarity, legitimizing Israeli policies, and sidelining the Palestinian cause in the pursuit of their own interests. By signing these accords, Arab states effectively "stabbed the back" of the Palestinians by prioritizing their own diplomatic relations with Israel over the pursuit of a just and comprehensive resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Authoritarian Arab Regimes are buying
Israeli Surveillance Technologies,
already tested on Palestinians,
for Preventing another Arab Spring Uprising

Arab States Helping
Israel Amid Genocide

Arab nations may condemn Israel's actions in public, but their covert acts provide a different picture and point to a degree of cooperation with Israel's actions in Gaza. 

"November 2020:

Mohammed bin Salman welcomed Netanyahu and the head of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad to Saudi Arabia.
The visit was confirmed later by leaked Israeli reports.

Since then, the Saudi government has scrubbed schoolbooks of anything that’s critical of Israel, which means Saudi children are being taught the twisted Zionist version of history on Palestine, and MBS has jailed and executed Islamic scholars, clerics, and activists."

Queen Rania, mourning the ongoing genocide of her people, was reluctantly brought by the King of Jordan to meet with the butcher, Biden.

"No Normal Support
in Abnormal Society"

from successful South Africa Boycott campaign

Not Allowed to Return to Their Homes