Active Actors

Sharing Common Purposes

3. Israeli Ethnocratic Settler Colonial state: Supplying sophisticated surveillance technology already tested on Palestinians 

Active Partecipation

Not only Historic Complicity

Genocide Joe

Hi Tech 

Behind the Scene

Mainstream Media


Double Standards

Imperial / Colonial Focus

Not value-driven

Betraying their own citizens

Decades of dysfunctional and corrupt Palestinian diplomacy, unable to counterbalance Zionist influences, and interested in maintaining the status quo to preserve its privileges, must be reformed worldwide. 

It should be replaced with proactive youth and students who are willing to engage actively in advocating for Palestinian rights and interests.

Amira Hass:

"I believe in the power of common sense and grassroots movements. Americans, just like people everywhere, need to understand the dangers of war and advocate for peaceful resolutions. The Occupy Wall Street movement could evolve into an 'Occupied Palestine' movement, highlighting the interconnectedness of global issues. However, meaningful change also requires a shift in American political life, acknowledging that wars serve the interests of big capital, not the people. It's a complex landscape, but I hold onto hope for positive change in the face of adversity."

"I've seen firsthand the impact of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and I know the stakes are high. The safety of the entire world is at risk in our volatile region. Governments must prioritise the interests of their people over those of big capital. It's a collective effort, and I urge Americans to reconsider their government's policies and advocate for peace. Change won't happen overnight, but with perseverance and common sense, we can work towards a better future for all."

In memory of
Rachel Corrie & Aaron Bushnell

Historic Responsibility

German / EU

Active Support

Is Germany’s other genocide being forgotten? | The Listening Post

Israel was the first country to officially recognize
West Germany
as Gratitude for its Support to the Zionist Settler Colonialism

This recognition occurred on
March 10, 1952,
just a few years after the end of World War II and the Holocaust

Israel rushed to recognize West Germany for several reasons:

1. Reparation Payments: West Germany had committed to paying reparations to Jewish victims of Nazi persecution and to the State of Israel. This was a significant factor in Israel's decision to recognize West Germany. The reparations were crucial for Israel's economy and the absorption of Holocaust survivors.

2. International Relations: By recognizing West Germany, Israel aimed to improve its international standing and diplomatic relations. Establishing diplomatic ties with West Germany signaled Israel's willingness to engage with the international community and fostered its integration into the global political landscape.

3. Security Concerns: Israel also saw recognition of West Germany as a way to strengthen its security position. West Germany's acknowledgment of responsibility for the Holocaust and its commitment to supporting Israel's security helped alleviate some of Israel's security concerns.

Overall, Israel's decision to recognize West Germany was driven by a combination of economic, diplomatic, and security considerations.

Trojan Horses

Geopolitical Dynamics of the Middle East:

Sharing Common Purposes with 

Unprecedented Clarity

The geopolitical dynamics of the Middle East reveal a convergence of interests among various actors, leading to a clearer understanding of their shared objectives.

1. Imperial US Dominance

The United States seeks to maintain its dominance in the Middle East to ensure access to the region's valuable resources, particularly oil. This dominance allows the US to exert influence over regional politics and safeguard its strategic interests.

2. Authoritarian Arab Rulers (Including the PA)

Many authoritarian Arab rulers, including the Palestinian Authority, aim to suppress popular uprisings and maintain control over their populations. They prioritise their own political survival and stability over democratic reforms or popular demands for change, aligning themselves with external powers like the US to bolster their regimes. Having Israeli intelligence, military cooperation, and sophisticated spying technology tested on Palestinians is becoming vital for their survival.

3. Israeli Ethnocratic Settler Colonial State

Israel, as an ethnocratic settler colonial state, seeks to maintain its control over Palestinian territories and populations. It employs sophisticated surveillance technology and military tactics to enforce its occupation and suppress Palestinian resistance. Additionally, Israel benefits from alliances with both the US and authoritarian Arab regimes that share mutual interests in maintaining regional stability and quashing challenges to their power.

Children in Yemen and Gaza, Starved and Bombarded

These actors align their interests in ways that involve obstructing international law and supporting actions that contribute to the ongoing oppression, displacement, and suffering of the Palestinian population. This alignment may involve:

1. Obstructing International Law

They work together to undermine efforts to hold Israel accountable for violations of international law, including through diplomatic manoeuvres, lobbying efforts, and blocking resolutions critical of Israel in international forums such as the United Nations.

2. Supporting or Participating in Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing

Through military, economic, and political support, these actors enable Israel to continue its policies of occupation, settlement expansion, and military aggression against Palestinians. This support can contribute to the displacement, dispossession, and violence experienced by Palestinian communities, amounting to acts that are condemned as genocide and ethnic cleansing under international law.

By aligning their interests in this manner, these actors perpetuate a system of oppression and injustice that denies Palestinians their basic rights and freedoms, while also reinforcing their own geopolitical agendas and power structures in the region.

International law places an obligation on all states to prevent and address acts of genocide, as outlined in various international treaties and conventions. Yemen, the only country attempted to stop the supply of weapons to Israel due to concerns about violations of international law, it has been swiftly bombed by US+UK. Tragically, the situation in Yemen further underscores the dire humanitarian consequences and the need for collective action to protect civilian populations from harm.

Their actions run counter to the principles of international law and the liberal values that prioritize human rights, equality, and justice for all individuals. By disregarding international law and basic human rights standards, these actors undermine the foundations of a just and peaceful world order, perpetuating injustice and suffering in the Palestinian territories and beyond.

Authoritarian Arab regimes are purchasing Israeli surveillance technologies, which have already been tested on Palestinians, with the aim of preventing another Arab Spring uprising.

“The Palestine Laboratory” 

by investigative journalist, Antony Loewenstein

“Many people have had some understanding about the US role post 1945 supporting, backing, arming, training, an insane number of regimes from the north of the globe to the south. What is far less known is that Israel was doing virtually the same thing. Reality is that Israel has for years been able to trial all these tools and technologies on Palestinians. Everything from spyware to drones to biometric gathering to facial recognition technology is particularly obvious in the 21st century. And Palestinians are guinea pigs."

"From the early inception of the state, Israel built its economy around the research, manufacture, and export of high-end arms, selling them to some of the most reprehensible regimes in the world. These included the CIA backed Contras in Nicaragua, the Guatemalan genocide of indigenous Mayans, Myanmar's ethnic cleansing campaign against the Rohingya, as well as South Africa's apartheid regime, which Israeli leaders in the 70s collaborated with and were inspired by."

"In some cases, Israel would sell weapons to a government on behalf of the United States when its ally didn't want to be seen publicly backing it. These military relationships helped prop up Israel as a diplomatic power, allowing it to evade criticism for its treatment of Palestinians and, more significantly, allowing it to use its occupied territories and its citizens in them as test subjects for its weapons and cybersecurity innovations.”

"All Arab states are so complicit in what Israel is not just been doing since October 7th, but for years. It has to do specifically with Israel's ability to provide and sell state of the art, military equipment, surveillance equipment, which has become incredibly sought after in the time that we live in today."

"Abraham Accords was sold as normalization between Israel and Arab states. And Saudi will be following. But what all these nations in the Arab world want is sophisticated spyware, Pegasus and other surveillance equipment to go after their own people to try to avoid any kind of uprising, any kind of serious dissent or questioning. "

Why Arab states are failing Palestinian people?

"Although the Anglo-French partition of the defeated Ottoman Empire in 1920 created several nominally independent Arab states, or what British imperial leaders described as an "Arab facade" to cover up the reality of British imperial rule, neither Britain nor its Arab rulers - referenced by historian Arnold Toynbee as the "Arab henchmen" of British colonialism - were able to avert growing hostility towards colonial Zionism in Palestine."

"At a basic level, Arabs collectively understood the existential threat posed by the creation of a modern, expansionist, western settler-colonial, ethno-religious, nationalist state in their midst."

"The new Palestinian Authority created by the Oslo Accords became an auxiliary of Israel's military control over the occupied West Bank and Gaza."

Not Allowed to Return to Their Homes