Trojan Horse
A Corrupt Mindset
The Trojan Horse of the Arab Regimes and the traditional armed Palestinian Leadership
The metaphor of the Trojan Horse appeopriately describes the corrupt mindset of both authoritarian Arab rulers and traditional armed Palestinian leadership, which infiltrated genuine believers in liberation efforts. This mindset employs deception and patriotic rhetoric as a smokescreen to advance self-serving agendas while undermining authentic liberation movements without consideration for the human cost.
Deception and Betrayal by the traditional armed Palestinian Leadership
1. Strong Rhetoric, Weak Action
Leaders with a corrupt mindset often project a strong patriotic and combative rhetoric to present themselves as defenders of the Palestinian cause. However, their actions betray this narrative, as they prioritize secretive deals and personal gains over the well-being of people on the ground.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) has exemplified this pattern over the past three decades, normalising ties with Israel in ways that legitimize the occupation rather than challenging it. Under the guise of "peace processes," the PA has acted as an enforcer of Israeli security, disregarding the human rights of Palestinians.
2. A History of Exile and Corruption
The formerly armed leadership in exile, which returned during the Oslo Accords era, presented itself as a liberator. In reality, it introduced a system riddled with continuation of corruption and failure, dismantling the grassroots achievements of the First Intifada and compromising the independence of Palestinian civil society.
Arab Regimes as Trojan Horses
1. Martial Law and Repression
Many authoritarian Arab rulers have justified oppressive martial laws by claiming to prepare for military conflict with Israel. Despite these claims, these regimes secretly engage in security and economic deals with Israel, exposing their duplicity.
Countries like Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Gulf states have prioritized limiting their citizens' freedoms over meaningful resistance against Israeli aggression. Their secret services are heavily funded to suppress dissent rather than address external threats.
2. The Naksa and its Aftermath
The defeat in the 1967 war (Naksa) revealed the incompetence and deception of these regimes. Despite their exposure, they continued to act as Trojan Horses, spending fortunes on internal repression while building hidden alliances with Israel to ensure their stability and cash flow.
The Common Thread: Corruption and Collusion
Both the corrupt Palestinian leadership and authoritarian Arab rulers share a common corrupt mindset that thrives on secretive deals and personal interests. They leverage the suffering of people to maintain their power while betraying the very cause they claim to champion.
This mindset relies on the illusion of resistance, a cover-up for actions that directly harm the populations they claim to represent.
The Impact of the Trojan Horse Mindset
The deceptive behaviour of these entities has fragmented movements for liberation, undermined grassroots initiatives, and created disillusionment among the people.
By prioritizing personal and political stability over justice and freedom, they perpetuate the suffering of Palestinians and other oppressed groups in the region.
Exposing and challenging the Trojan Horse mindset is crucial for the future of the Palestinian liberation struggle and the broader quest for justice in the Arab world. True leadership must prioritize the rights and well-being of people over personal and political gains, dismantling systems of collusion and corruption in favour of transparent and committed resistance.
It was... easy!
For thirty years, attempts to normalise and legitimise this regime have only served to entrench its oppressive apparatus and exacerbate the suffering of the Palestinian people. This alarming trend highlights the critical importance of exposing and confronting decades of lying and manipulation perpetuated by those in positions of power. It is imperative to prevent the continuation of this cycle by holding accountable those responsible for upholding and perpetuating the status quo, which flagrantly violates universal values and fundamental human rights.
Don’t Fall into the Trap Again
Stay Vigilant Against the Next Trojan Horse
Israel rolled out the red carpet for the Trojan Horse in Jericho in 1994, masking its entry in deceptive rhetoric and patriotic celebrations, presenting the occasion as a moment of liberation and Palestinian self-governance.
Behind the celebratory rhetoric, however, lay a calculated strategy to entrench Israeli control while outsourcing its occupation duties. The return of the exiled Palestinian leadership, branded as liberators, came with hidden strings attached, agreements like the Oslo Accords that fragmented Palestinian territory and governance.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) was tasked with policing its own people under the guise of autonomy, while Israel retained ultimate control over borders, resources, and security. This deceptive arrangement allowed Israel to maintain its settler-colonial agenda with less direct accountability, all while presenting the illusion of progress to the international community. Meanwhile, the celebratory narrative obscured the betrayal of grassroots efforts, like those of the First Intifada, whose achievements were systematically dismantled by the new PA leadership seeking to consolidate its own power.
The 'liberation' was a façade, a Trojan Horse that, once inside, worked to suppress genuine resistance, pacify the population, and perpetuate the settler-colonial project under the veneer of peace.
From Symbols to Suppression
The PA’s Crackdown on Grassroots Leadership and Civil Society
The arrival of the Palestinian Authority in 1994 was marked not only by celebratory fanfare but also by the rapid emergence of Yasser Arafat’s giant portraits, symbolizing a centralization of power around his leadership. These portraits were accompanied by a less visible but equally significant shift: the systematic crackdown on local grassroots leadership, unions, independent civil society, freedom of the press, and dissenting voices.
This move was not merely about consolidating authority; it represented a deliberate effort to dismantle the decentralized, community-driven structures that had defined the First Intifada's success. By sidelining local leaders and limiting civil society's autonomy, the new PA leadership sought to eliminate potential challenges to its authority while aligning more closely with the terms of the Oslo Accords and Israeli interests.
The suppression of unions and grassroots organizations weakened the societal infrastructure that had been crucial for mobilization and resistance. Freedom of the press was restricted, silencing critical voices and ensuring that narratives unfavourable to the PA's image or actions remained hidden. This environment of control and intimidation reflected the corrupt mindset that prioritized personal and political gain over the broader cause of Palestinian liberation, turning a moment of supposed autonomy into one of internal betrayal.
Corrupt Mentality Wipes out Long Struggle Achievements
Incompetent gang with corrupt mindset has drained resources and
exhausted all the international hope and support.
Remember Jericho Casino project?
The corrupt Palestinian leadership in exile entered Jericho under the excuse of liberation but ultimately became implementers of Israeli projects like the Jericho Casino.
The casino, built near Jericho in the late 1990s, was largely financed and managed by Israeli investors. Since gambling was prohibited in Israel for religious and legal reasons, the casino was seen as a workaround to cater to Israeli tourists while remaining geographically outside Israel.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) supported the project, viewing it as a potential source of financial revenue and a way to foster economic activity in the region. However, the project was criticized for being secretive and for prioritizing financial gain over broader ethical and political considerations. It became emblematic of the compromises and contentious decisions made under the Oslo framework, which often highlighted disparities in power and control between Israel and the Palestinian leadership.
After the secretive Oslo Accords, this isolated and corrupt leadership arrived in Jericho amidst deceptive jubilation as supposed liberators. However, they were later revealed to be PA subcontractors, serving Israeli interests rather than the Palestinian people's aspirations for true self-determination.
Remember the Cement Scandal on PA hands?
The cement scandal in Gaza during the late 1990s involved corruption within the PA, highlighting its mismanagement and collusion. Reports indicated that senior PA officials allowed cement imports, originally meant for Palestinian construction projects, to be diverted to Israeli settlements, enabling their illegal expansion. This not only undermined Palestinian interests but also betrayed the trust of the population.
It became a symbol of the PA's failure to prioritize the Palestinian cause, as corruption and financial gains took precedence over resistance to occupation.
Remember the Polluted Drinking Water on PA hands?
The polluted drinking water in Gaza during the period of PA administration was a critical issue. Despite clear evidence of worsening water quality, largely due to over-extraction, seawater intrusion, and contamination from untreated sewage, the PA failed to address the crisis effectively. This neglect exacerbated health problems for Gaza's population, with many relying on unsafe drinking water sources.
The issue highlighted the PA's lack of prioritization of basic public services and infrastructure in Gaza, further alienating the population and contributing to widespread discontent.
Why we Palestinians are closer to the abyss than we ever have been?
A corrupt subcontractor, the Palestinian Authority (PA), rushed into a secretive deal against local representatives of the First Intifada to secure power and control any opposition to their decades of failure. Acting as a settler-colonial police force, the PA has systematically eroded the achievements of the grassroots movement, which was characterized by its unique underground social infrastructure and supportive network.
Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces violently attacked a young man in custody after he criticised the PA
In 1993, after 20 years of corrupt leadership in exile, they chose to normalize ties with the settler-colonial apartheid regime, switching sides and undermining the international solidarity gained during the First Intifada grassroots uprising. This prolonged deception from within is worse than the Naksa of 1967. Over the past 30 years, in coordination with Israeli intelligence, they have shamelessly continued their deceptive rhetoric, paving the way for the Abraham Accords, normalizing and emboldening the fascist tendency.
Palestinians in the diaspora
The Palestinian diaspora plays a crucial role in advocating for justice and raising awareness about the ongoing struggles of Palestinians under occupation. In many Western countries, mainstream media often censors or distorts the reality of Israeli crimes against Palestinian civilians. This creates a significant gap in public understanding, placing a greater responsibility on Palestinians in the diaspora to bridge this divide.
This requires not only sharing accurate information but also approaching people with patience and empathy. While it can be frustrating to repeatedly counter misinformation, it is crucial to manage personal frustration. Compared to the immense suffering of Palestinians living under bombardment and occupation, these frustrations are minor. Advocacy must center on the well-being of those on the ground and be conducted in a welcoming, constructive manner to foster engagement and solidarity.
How corrupt mentality can destroy decades of struggle
The difference between a corrupt mindset and a committed mindset becomes evident in this context. A corrupt mindset prioritizes personal emotions, divisive rhetoric, and self-serving agendas, undermining the cause. In contrast, a committed mindset focuses on inclusive communication, strategic engagement, and unity, drawing lessons from the successful unarmed grassroots resistance of the First Intifada. By adopting a committed approach, the Palestinian diaspora can effectively counter misinformation and build global solidarity to advance the cause of freedom and justice.
Corrupt Mindset
1. Expressing Frustration Over Strategic Communication
Behaviour: Individuals driven by personal frustration may resort to shouting, aggression, or venting their emotions in ways that alienate potential allies.
Impact: This approach discourages engagement and creates an intimidating environment for people unfamiliar with the Palestinian struggle. Instead of fostering empathy, it may reinforce stereotypes or provoke defensive reactions.
Underlying Issue: This conduct frequently results from putting one's own catharsis ahead of the movement's larger goals.
Committed Mindset
1. Welcoming Communication and Strategic Messaging
Behaviour: Engaging people with calm, respectful, and accessible communication, making them feel included in the conversation.
Impact: This builds bridges and fosters understanding, attracting broader support for the Palestinian cause.
Best Practices: Focus on shared values like human rights and justice, avoiding confrontational tones or exclusionary language.
2. Sectarian Use of Religion
Behaviour: Weaponizing religious identities to divide support or confuse the message, such as emphasizing sectarian narratives over unity.
Impact: This excludes potential allies and undermines the inclusive nature of the Palestinian struggle, which has historically united people of all religions and backgrounds.
Underlying Issue: Such actions feed into the narrative of division promoted by colonial and occupying powers to fragment resistance.
2. Religious Inclusivity
Behaviour: Emphasizing the inclusivity of the Palestinian cause, welcoming people of all religions and beliefs.
Impact: This undermines attempts to divide support based on religious or ethnic lines and reflects the historical diversity of Palestinian society.
Best Practices: Highlight stories of unity among Muslims, Christians, and others in Palestine to reinforce the universal appeal of the struggle.
3. Rhetoric of Armed Resistance Without Sensitivity
Behaviour: Romanticizing armed resistance without recognizing the human cost to civilians enduring bombardment and siege.
Impact: It alienates those advocating for nonviolent solutions or humanitarian concerns and neglects the civilian suffering that needs urgent attention.
Underlying Issue: A shallow understanding of the complexities on the ground and an oversimplification of resistance.
3. Understanding Armed Resistance’s Limits
Behaviour: Acknowledging the complexities and consequences of armed resistance while focusing on alternative forms of advocacy and support.
Impact: This avoids glorifying violence and emphasizes strategies that prioritize civilian well-being and international solidarity.
Best Practices: Educate people about the role of nonviolent resistance and how it complements other forms of struggle.
4. Dismissal of First Intifada’s Unarmed Resistance
Behaviour: Failing to grasp the depth and effectiveness of the First Intifada’s grassroots organization, dismissing it as insufficient or irrelevant.
Impact: This neglects valuable lessons from a highly organized, inclusive, and largely unarmed resistance that achieved global recognition.
Underlying Issue: A lack of historical awareness or an inability to see how those strategies can be adapted to today’s challenges.
4. Building on the First Intifada’s Legacy
Behaviour: Drawing inspiration from the First Intifada’s underground networks, which united diverse sectors of society in resistance.
Impact: This highlights the potential of grassroots organization and inclusivity in creating sustainable and impactful resistance.
Best Practices: Promote the values of self-reliance, community cohesion, and strategic coordination embodied by the First Intifada.
5. Prioritizing Personal Networks Over Inclusivity
Behaviour: Reserving excessive seats for friends and family, offering them preferential treatment while ignoring punctual attendees.
Impact: Excludes committed participants, fosters resentment, and projects elitism, undermining trust and solidarity.
Underlying Issue: Reflects a focus on personal power and opportunism over advancing the cause.
5. Creating an Inclusive and Welcoming Environment
Behaviour: Reserving only essential seats (e.g., for speakers), ensuring equitable treatment for all attendees, and prioritizing participation.
Impact: Builds trust, fosters community, and enhances the movement's credibility by focusing on shared goals.
Underlying Issue: Limit reserved seating, welcome all attendees warmly, and use events to amplify the cause, not personal influence.
Bridging the Gap: Moving from Corrupt to Committed
Self-Reflection: Encourage individuals in the diaspora to reflect on whether their actions serve the cause or their personal frustrations.
Education: Raise awareness about the historical successes of the Palestinian struggle, particularly the First Intifada’s model of resistance.
Unity: Promote a narrative of inclusivity and shared purpose, avoiding divisive rhetoric or actions.
Focus on Outcomes: Keep the ultimate goal, freedom and justice for Palestinians, at the center of every action, ensuring that the methods align with that vision.
We Can’t Stay Silent Amid Such Enormous Human Suffering
Exposing the Complicity of Trojan Horses
Over the Last 30 Years
After witnessing such genocidal atrocities, silence is no longer an option. A corrupt mindset has persistently worked against the Palestinian cause, undermining efforts for justice and liberation. We cannot allow intimidation to stifle our voices or permit silence to embolden these betrayals.
In the diaspora, where mainstream media often neglects the Palestinian narrative, we bear the responsibility of bridging the gap left by traditional, corrupt “formal” representatives. Our privilege lies in our ability to connect with local communities and share the truth. However, we must remain vigilant against those who exploit our struggle from positions of comfort and privilege.
Beware of individuals who, from their cozy sofas, advocate for armed struggle against a nuclear and military superpower. They exploit the human suffering endured under relentless bombardment to push strong rhetoric or sectarian religious narratives, often reflecting their personal frustrations and discouraging local people from participating in meaningful action.
Instead, we must embrace grassroots organizing, focusing on spreading accurate information and connecting with people in the streets, those unaware of our cause, in a welcoming and responsible way.
Our approach should be welcoming and inclusive, making us effective messengers of the Palestinian cause. The corrupt mindsets that have plagued our leadership for decades must be challenged, not trusted. These mindsets have systematically erased the achievements of the First Intifada, using strong rhetoric to gaslight and silence civil society while avoiding accountability for their failures.
This Trojan horse mentality, cloaked in fiery slogans, has perpetuated division and undermined unity. Some exploit sectarian divisions and religious narratives, unwittingly playing into the hands of Israeli strategies. Such approaches detract from our shared goal of liberation and justice.
Introspection is vital. We must critically examine how corrupt mindsets over the past 30 years have dismantled the successes of the First Intifada, the only true grassroots victory of our struggle. Misunderstanding or misrepresenting its significance, even within the diaspora, only weakens our cause.
To rebuild, we must revisit and deeply understand the lessons of the First Intifada, which were grounded in grassroots, unarmed resistance. I encourage everyone to explore the chapter titled “Grassroots Unarmed First Intifada” to gain a clearer perspective on the horizontal, underground movement, one that functioned independently of corrupt military hierarchies or centralized power structures.
Now is the time for accountability, unity, and clarity of purpose. Let us expose and reject the Trojan horses among us while fostering a collective vision rooted in justice, compassion, and the enduring spirit of First Intifada resistance.
Beyond the Dichotomy of Armed Conflict:
Highlighting the Power of Unarmed Resistance
Media often simplifies the conflict into a dichotomy between two opposing military forces: the Israeli military state and the armed resistance. This narrative overlooks the vital, unarmed resistance led by Palestinian civil society, which has historically played a pivotal role in the struggle for freedom. This form of resistance, rich in its grassroots infrastructure and collective participation, is often lost in translation and ignored by mainstream Western media. To counter this, Palestinians in the diaspora must shift the focus to what is overlooked, the resilience and efforts of indigenous unarmed civilians. Advocacy should prioritize highlighting these stories while communicating in a responsible and welcoming manner.
By understanding that many people lack knowledge due to media censorship, Palestinians can engage constructively, using their voices to inform and inspire solidarity. Such an approach not only conveys the message effectively but also builds bridges with global audiences, ensuring the broader struggle for justice is not overshadowed by narrow, militarized narratives.
The same incompetent gang continues dragging us to the bottom, deeper and deeper.
Has PA any legitimacy to represent Palestinians?
The Palestinian Authority (PA) was established following the secretive Oslo Deal. Its initial leaders, including Yasser Arafat, were not elected through a democratic process but rather emerged as representatives through secretive negotiations between Israel and the PLO.
The PA has held elections, although they have been sporadic and limited in scope. The most recent presidential election was held in 2005 when Mahmoud Abbas was elected to succeed Yasser Arafat. Legislative elections were last held in 2006, resulting in a victory for Hamas.
The PA's legitimacy as a representative body of the Palestinian people is undermined by the lack of regular, free, and fair elections. Additionally, there are concerns about corruption within the PA and its perceived inability to effectively address the needs and aspirations of the Palestinian population.
Deceptive Authoritarian PA
The Palestinian Authority are the latest territory in the Middle East to ban Al Jazeera, following in the footsteps of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt and Israel. >>> Click on Presidency for fun:
external Authoritarian Mindset, not belonging to First Intifada grassroots culture.
"It was clear that she was a woman with children. Despite this, the sniper targeted her head the moment she left the door of the house"
- Musab al-Sabbagh, slain journalist's brother
'They suppress people's voices, making it forbidden to express any opinion about them'
- Muhammad Ayesh, political activist
- Muhammad Ayesh, political activist
The PA's avoidance of elections has made its legitimacy a card in the hands of external forces, specifically the US
Condoleezza Rice recounted how a handful of people in 2003 hand-picked Abbas to become the leader of the Palestinian people
A 2017 study found that the Palestinian security sector employed around half of all civil servants, accounting for nearly $1bn of the PA budget
Following the Naksa,
Facing the Deception
1. Centralized Military Mindset and Lack of Accountability
Over 50 years, there was a lack of transparency and responsibility within centralised military mindset, where decision-making processes and actions may not be subject to scrutiny or oversight. After 50 years, it’s our duty to admit and discuss the deception.
2. Shifting Global Attention
First Intifada's success in capturing global attention and diverting focus away from unsuccessful armed resistance towards grassroots movements which are characterized by decentralized organization and mobilization from the bottom-up, often involving ordinary people and community-based initiatives.
3. Regional Dynamics and Sponsor Interests
The First Intifada managed to redirect attention from broader regional dynamics and the interests of external sponsors or backers of armed resistance movements. Instead, the focus shifts towards the local grievances and aspirations of Palestinians engaged in nonviolent resistance.
4. Deception and Unrealistic Military Rhetoric
The deceptive, pompous, and unrealistic military rhetoric with smoke effects has been always in contrast with the grounded, grassroots nature of the First Intifada's resistance tactics
Resist the
Normalization of Evil
Oslo dealers have prepared the ground for Israel to embolden its genocidal settler-colonial supremacy over the past 30 years.
Patriotic Rhetoric & Lack of Accountability
The centralised leadership often used patriotic rhetoric to deter dissent and accountability. The military mindset within this structure tended to dismiss logic and dissent, reinforcing centralised power dynamics.
50 Years Fuelling the Israeli Project by the Same Corrupt Gang
20 Years of Illusory Armed Resistance
30 Years of a Settler-Colonial Police Force
Corrupt brokers of the Oslo and Abraham Accords have legitimized the settler-colonial Zionism and emboldened the fascist tendency.
Meanwhile, the corrupt and outdated Palestinian diplomacy remained dysfunctional, preoccupied with justifying the PA's wrongdoing and dismantling the First Intifada's leadership and achievements, while Israeli propaganda (Hasbara) was aggressively active on all fronts abroad.
Over the last 30 years
the agenda of the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been dictated by Israel.
The PA's mandate is to administer the Occupied Territories on behalf of Israel.
However, there has been no concern shown by the PA, in Oslo Deal, for critical issues such as refugee return, settlements, water rights, land sovereignty, Palestinian safety, or the development of infrastructure for an independent economy.
Trojan Horse
to Jericho
In essence, the PA's role mirrors that of the Kapos in concentration camps during the Nazi era: administering the camp on behalf of the oppressor without prioritizing the security and well-being of the inmates.