Foundations of
Settler Colonial State

Armed clashes 

against an atomic power like Israel 

only serve to strengthen the Zionist project, akin to 

reinforce inflating a balloon with a hole

The hole is represented by ongoing violations of human rights against Palestinians.
Israel, as the deflated balloon, relies on constant inflation to sustain itself.
Without this constant pressure, the balloon, or Israel, would collapse.

The perpetuation of armed clashes inadvertently aids Israel's survival by fuelling its propaganda efforts both internally and externally.
These clashes contribute to societal cohesion, bolster Zionism activism globally, provide opportunities to renew and test weaponry, and attract increased donations during times of conflict.

In essence, armed clashes serve as a gift to Israel, enabling it to perpetuate its agenda and maintain its dominance, while victimizing itself through the injection of fear into its citizens from a young age, necessitating considerable effort to counteract this indoctrination.

"None of the wars Israel fought were wars without Choice.

Those were Wars Israel chose to fight 56 – 67 – 73 - 82 and onward with the possible exception of 1948."

Greater fireworks display is better.

Settler Colonial Zionist System
always needs a Culture of Fear for its survival
(it's not a simple occupation ready to retreat under pressure, as we have been taught).

Blowback: How Israel Helped Create Hamas

Armed Clashes Desire

1. Fuelling its Propaganda
(Victimised Oppressor / Dehumanised Victim)

2. Testing new Weapons on the Ground
(ready for export)

3. Silencing Internal Dissent
(unified media)

4. Atracting increased donations

Israeli Culture of Fear + Victimisation =
Militarisation / Palestinian Civilians target

Armed clashes serve as fuel for Israeli propaganda, enabling it to advance its objectives and maintain its grip on power.

The Longest in Modern History
Israeli Occupation:
57 years (UN) of Dispossession

30 Years Under the Watch of
PA Settler Colonial Police Force


Land for only White

Settler Colonial Aspiration

Different roads for natives

Settler Colonial Architecture

B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

State for only Jewish

Settler Colonial Aspiration


The radical settler movement within Israel plays a significant role in perpetuating the ideology of Jewish supremacy, which is integral to the settler colonial project in the region. 

Here's how Jewish supremacy intersects with the settler colonial project:

1. Land Appropriation and Expansion

The radical settlers, driven by the ideology of Jewish supremacy, actively seek to expand Jewish presence in historically Palestinian territories. They view the land as inherently Jewish and believe in the superiority of Jewish rights to the land over those of Palestinians. This belief fuels their efforts to appropriate Palestinian land through illegal settlements and expansion, which are central to the settler colonial project's goal of establishing and consolidating Jewish dominance in the region.

2. Legal and Political Influence

Radical settlers exert significant influence within Israeli political and legal spheres, advocating for policies and legislation that advance Jewish supremacy and support the expansion of settlements. This influence reinforces the structural inequalities inherent in the settler colonial system, where Palestinians face systematic discrimination and dispossession while settlers enjoy preferential treatment and state support.

3. Violence and Intimidation

Radical settlers often resort to violence and intimidation tactics against Palestinian communities to assert Jewish dominance and maintain control over the land. This violence, which is fueled by supremacist ideologies, serves to further marginalize and dispossess Palestinians, creating an environment of fear and insecurity that reinforces the settler colonial project's objectives.

4. Religious Justification

For many radical settlers, the ideology of Jewish supremacy is deeply intertwined with religious beliefs and narratives that justify their presence in Palestinian territories. They see themselves as fulfilling a divine mandate to reclaim and settle the land of Israel, viewing Palestinians as obstacles to be removed or subdued in the process. This religious justification strengthens their commitment to the settler colonial project and contributes to the ongoing dispossession and displacement of Palestinians.

Overall, the radical settler movement's adherence to the ideology of Jewish supremacy perpetuates the structural inequalities and injustices inherent in the settler colonial project, reinforcing Israel's domination over Palestinian lands and people.

A regime of Jewish supremacy
from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: 

B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories

Radicalised Youth and Society

The radicalization of Israeli youth within the context of ongoing propaganda efforts is a complex phenomenon influenced by various factors.

1. Propaganda and Indoctrination

Israeli youth are exposed to relentless propaganda from an early age, which promotes nationalist narratives and justifies Israel's actions, including its policies towards Palestinians. This propaganda is disseminated through various channels, including educational curricula, media outlets, and cultural institutions, shaping the perceptions and beliefs of young Israelis. As a result, many grow up with deeply ingrained notions of Israeli exceptionalism and superiority, contributing to a mindset conducive to radicalization.

2. Security and Militarization

The pervasive security discourse in Israel, stemming from decades of conflict and insecurity, contributes to the militarization of society and the normalization of violence. Israeli youth are often socialized into a culture that glorifies military service and valorizes security concerns above all else. This militarization fosters a sense of collective identity rooted in notions of strength, resilience, and territorial control, which can lead to radicalization when coupled with nationalist propaganda.

3. Political Environment

The political landscape in Israel is characterized by right-wing nationalism and a growing emphasis on Jewish supremacy, particularly under the leadership of conservative governments. This political environment fosters a climate of intolerance towards dissenting views and promotes exclusionary ideologies that resonate with radicalized youth. The perpetuation of discriminatory policies towards Palestinians and other marginalized groups further reinforces these attitudes among young Israelis.

4. Social Cohesion and Peer Influence

Within Israeli society, there is often strong social cohesion and pressure to conform to mainstream narratives and values. Peer influence plays a significant role in shaping the attitudes and behaviors of youth, leading to the reinforcement of radicalized ideologies within social circles. Dissent or criticism of dominant narratives may be met with ostracization or marginalization, further entrenching radical beliefs among young Israelis.

5. Lack of Exposure to Diverse Perspectives

Limited exposure to alternative viewpoints, particularly those critical of Israeli policies and narratives, contributes to the radicalization of Israeli youth. Censorship of dissenting voices within educational institutions and media outlets restricts access to diverse perspectives, leading to the perpetuation of echo chambers and the reinforcement of radicalized ideologies.

Not Allowed to Return to Their Homes