
Be Vigilant for the Future!

Don't Fall into the Trap again!!

It's time to

Amidst decades of ongoing injustice and impunity, the imperative for accountability has never been more pressing. The entrenched power structures, supported by imperial and colonial forces, have perpetuated a cycle of oppression and exploitation, allowing the same actors to evade consequences for their actions. The normalisation of the settler colonial Israeli regime, characterized by its apartheid policies and systematic violence against Palestinians, underscores the urgent need for accountability.

Trojan Horse

It was... easy!

For thirty years, attempts to normalise and legitimise this regime have only served to entrench its oppressive apparatus and exacerbate the suffering of the Palestinian people. This alarming trend highlights the critical importance of exposing and confronting decades of lying and manipulation perpetuated by those in positions of power. It is imperative to prevent the continuation of this cycle by holding accountable those responsible for upholding and perpetuating the status quo, which flagrantly violates universal values and fundamental human rights.

There has never been a good time to ask for accountability!

Accountability is not only a moral imperative but also a necessary step towards addressing the root causes of injustice and ensuring a just and equitable future for all.

 It is time to break the cycle of complicity and collusion with oppressive regimes and demand justice, transparency, and accountability from all actors involved.

 Only through holding perpetrators accountable can we hope to achieve genuine progress towards peace, justice, and the fulfillment of universal human rights.

Why Arab states are failing Palestinian people?

"Although the Anglo-French partition of the defeated Ottoman Empire in 1920 created several nominally independent Arab states, or what British imperial leaders described as an "Arab facade" to cover up the reality of British imperial rule, neither Britain nor its Arab rulers - referenced by historian Arnold Toynbee as the "Arab henchmen" of British colonialism - were able to avert growing hostility towards colonial Zionism in Palestine."

"At a basic level, Arabs collectively understood the existential threat posed by the creation of a modern, expansionist, western settler-colonial, ethno-religious, nationalist state in their midst."

"The new Palestinian Authority created by the Oslo Accords became an auxiliary of Israel's military control over the occupied West Bank and Gaza."


PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat gives to Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin an ancient scroll of the Jewish "Torah" or law from Yemen on September 25, 1994 during their meeting at Erez checkpoint. Rabin and Arafat agreed to launch negotiations a week on the next stage of Autonomy, including army redeployment and elections. AFP PHOTO SVEN NACKSTRAND (Photo by SVEN NACKSTRAND / AFP) (Photo by SVEN NACKSTRAND/AFP via Getty Images

The same incompetent gang, surprised & pleased
with no basic knowledge of their own enemy, has been always at the service of the Zionist project

Settler colonialism occurs when colonizers invade and occupy territory to permanently replace the existing society with the society of the colonizers.

With this gesture, Arafat is wrongly confirming what Israeli propaganda struggles to appear.
Zionist State: Advocate of Judaism?

This gesture is as emblematic of the incompetence and ignorance of Palestinian leadership regarding their adversary, Israel.

The removal of the Torah scroll from the Yemenite Museum to an Israeli museum raises questions about the underlying motivations and implications of such an action.

However, the decision to transfer cultural artifacts from their place of origin to another country's museum is contentious, especially in the context of colonialism and cultural appropriation. 

Removing such artifacts from their original context deprives local communities of their cultural heritage and history, and should be seen as a form of cultural imperialism.

Such actions can be perceived as part of Israel's broader narrative of cultural appropriation and political dominance in the region, rather than genuine efforts to preserve and celebrate Yemenite culture and heritage.

By presenting the Torah scroll to Rabin, Mr Arafat played into the hands of the Zionist project, which instrumentalizes religion to further its settler colonial agenda

In doing so, Mr Arafat reinforced the image Israel seeks to project: the Zionist state is the protector of Judaism wherever practiced.

"Torah does not belong to you!"

Edward Said:

the Decay of the PLO Leadership

@ 17:36

Uri Savir used his first meeting with the Palestinians to stress three deal breaking Israeli conditions:

The Palestinian delegation accepted all three!

@ 18:08

Joel singer contribution was to ask hundreds of questions to really understand what this would mean, how PLO would treat this, what would be them as a counterpart. I think they (Palestinians) felt it was quite offensive in one way to be interrogated like that.

@ 18:40

Mustafa Barghouthy (Palestinian Initiative in Occupied Territiries): "Some questions were traps, like whether the Palestinians would allow settlers in areas they administered. When it was agreed, the Israelis were euphoric because it allowed the Israeli settlements to continue."

Joel Singer wrote:
“I wasn’t surprised to get 100 answers to my 100 questions. But I was shocked not to get a single Palestinian question in return”.

Joel Singer to Perez:
“foreign minister if we don't make an immediate deal with these people we are complete complete idiots

@ 19:42

Declaration of Principles document setting out the details of Palestinian autonomy.

It clearly stated:

@ 33:41

Francis Boyle: “it was the same Declaration of Principles that they (Palestinians of First Intifada) rejected in Washington, it's a limited autonomy of the inhabitants without any control over the land

@ 33:58

Haider Abdul Shafi (First Intifada) sent Boyles comments to Arafat but he never received a reply.

This is a mixture of previous self-rule agreements that the Palestinian leadership in the occupied territories always refused signing.

@ 38:21

What a strategic deal for Israel

1. we were accepted by the world

2. relations with Arab world moved dramatically

3. interest offices embassies Jordan, Sudan…

4. we were accepted by the Palestinians to all sorts of forms

5. huge investments came to Israel, mega companies; Intel Chinese Japanese everybody came

Oslo was meant only to help Israel consolidate its occupation and colonisation of Palestine.

The architects of Oslo were not interested in Palestinian statehood or liberation but rather wanted to find a way to get the Palestinian leadership to quietly agree to capitulation and suppress any further resistance at the grassroots.

With the backing of the international community and the Israeli regime, Arafat pursued governance based on patronage and corruption that had little tolerance for internal dissent.

Abbas has also been working hard to erode any democratic spaces in the West Bank. He has merged all three branches of government – the legislative, executive and judiciary – so that there are no checks on his power.

To maintain his grip on power, Abbas also wields an extensive security apparatus responsible for a monumental amount of human rights abuses, including the arrest of activists, the harassment of journalists and the torture of political detainees.

Why we Palestinians are closer to the abyss than we ever have been?

A corrupt subcontractor, the Palestinian Authority (PA), rushed into a secretive deal against the representatives of the First Intifada to secure power and control any opposition to their decades of failure. Acting as a settler colonial police force, the PA has systematically eroded the achievements of the grassroots movement, which was characterized by its unique underground social infrastructure and supportive network.

After 20 years of corrupt leadership in exile, they chose to normalize ties with the settler colonial apartheid regime, switching sides and undermining the international solidarity gained during the First Intifada grassroots uprising. This prolonged deception from within is worse than the Naksa of 1967. Over the past 30 years, in coordination with Israeli intelligence, they have shamelessly continued their deceptive rhetoric, paving the way for the Abraham Accords.

There has never been a good time to ask for accountability!

The same incompetent gang continues dragging us to the bottom, deeper and deeper.

Has PA any legitimacy to represent Palestinians?

The Palestinian Authority (PA) was established following the secretive Oslo Deal. Its initial leaders, including Yasser Arafat, were not elected through a democratic process but rather emerged as representatives through secretive negotiations between Israel and the PLO.

The PA has held elections, although they have been sporadic and limited in scope. The most recent presidential election was held in 2005 when Mahmoud Abbas was elected to succeed Yasser Arafat. Legislative elections were last held in 2006, resulting in a victory for Hamas.

The PA's legitimacy as a representative body of the Palestinian people is undermined by the lack of regular, free, and fair elections. Additionally, there are concerns about corruption within the PA and its perceived inability to effectively address the needs and aspirations of the Palestinian population.

Due to a lack of understanding of Israel's nature, Palestinian leadership inadvertently played into Israel's hands by engaging in unbalanced armed clashes. 

While Israel was focused on strengthening its Zionist project, the Palestinian leadership's involvement in such clashes diverted attention away from its own accountability. 

This mirrored Israel's objectives, as it thrives on conflict to maintain its dominance and deflect attention from its own actions. Thus, the Palestinian leadership's approach inadvertently served Israel's interests rather than effectively addressing Palestinian concerns and advancing their cause.

Never Forget

our RPG Children and Genuine Youth!

Genuine, inexpert students, and innocent children were sent to secure death by corrupt leadership, careless of human lives, for keeping military option open and cash flow running.

Military mindsets have much in common, even if they are declared enemies.
They share interest in keeping the armed fight ongoing,
aware of the impossible slogan achievement
with indifference towards refugee human losses and despair.

@19:45   Salah Khalaf-Abu Iyad:

@20:00   Do you realise you're far away from returning to Palestine by fighting Israel?

@20:15   Salah Khalaf-Abu Iyad:

Israel, a heavily militarized society, 

thrives and relies on armed clashes to achieve its objectives

1. Society Cohesion

Armed conflicts serve to unite and strengthen the societal bonds within Israel. The common enemy and the need for defence create a sense of solidarity among the population.

2. Fuelling Foundations and Propaganda

Armed clashes provide the foundation for Israel's military and security apparatus, which is used to justify its actions and policies both domestically and internationally. Propaganda often portrays these clashes as necessary for Israel's survival and security.

3. Brainwashing Citizens

The constant state of conflict helps perpetuate a narrative of fear and insecurity among Israeli citizens, which can lead to a form of societal indoctrination or "brainwashing" that supports the militarized culture and government policies.

4. Perception of Victimhood

Israel's engagement in armed conflicts, whether real or perceived, contributes to the perception of victimization among its population. This perception can serve to justify aggressive actions and policies while portraying Israel as under constant threat.

Israel actively seeks out armed clashes, even if it means harming its own citizens, as exemplified by the Hannibal Directive. 

Huge PR for Huge Arm Industry

Israel funds a massive public relations effort to bolster a massive armaments sector.

Israel invests significantly in public relations campaigns to support its arms industry, which is one of the most advanced in the world (annually pouring in 4 billions US aid). These PR efforts serve multiple purposes:

1. Promotion of Defence Products: Israel uses PR campaigns to showcase its military technology and capabilities to potential buyers worldwide. By highlighting successful operations, advanced weaponry, and innovative defence systems, Israel aims to attract customers for its arms exports.

2. Reputation Management: Given the international scrutiny of its actions in the Occupied Territories, Israel utilizes PR to manage its global image and address criticisms of its military operations. PR campaigns may seek to justify Israel's security measures, portray its military actions as defensive rather than aggressive, and emphasize the threat posed by trivial clashes with militant groups in the region.

3. Political Influence: PR campaigns can also be leveraged to garner political support from allies and sympathetic governments. By framing its military operations within the context of counterterrorism or national security, Israel seeks to rally diplomatic backing and fend off international condemnation.

4. Domestic Support: Public relations efforts may target the Israeli population to maintain domestic support for defence policies and military actions. By emphasizing the necessity of strong defence measures, the government seeks to bolster public confidence and solidarity.

5. Economic Benefits: The defence industry is a significant contributor to Israel's economy, and PR campaigns highlighting its achievements and global market share can promote investment, job creation, and economic growth.

However, these PR efforts often face criticism from human rights organizations and advocacy groups, which accuse Israel of using propaganda to whitewash its human rights abuses in the Occupied Territories and to deflect attention from violations of international law. The effectiveness of Israel's PR campaigns is a subject of debate, with supporters crediting them for enhancing Israel's security and economic interests, while critics argue that they perpetuate a narrative that justifies oppression and violence against Palestinians.

Corrupt leadership in exile used to fuel and feed Israel's spirit by offering what Israel is always looking for.

Imbalanced Clashes against Atomic Power

Israel is at risk of collapsing without
armed clashes in need for:

Corrupt leadership in exile also thrived on
armed clashes:

Decades of dysfunctional and corrupt Palestinian diplomacy

 interested to maintain status quo to preserve its privileges,
unable/disinterested to balance the active Zionist influential diplomacy

Over the years preceding the Oslo Deal, Palestinian students studying abroad frequently encountered marginalization and opposition from corrupt "official" representatives acting as puppets of the establishment.

These representatives were determined to suppress activism that challenged the status quo, as it threatened their entrenched privileges and undermined their corrupt and ineffective diplomacy.

"Political Leaders are Complicit and Supportive of what is happening"

Facing the Naksa took time.

Facing the Long Deception is taking too long.

The silence is acceptance and complicity.

We cannot remain silent anymore in the wake of the genocide in Gaza.

Before it's too late, it's our responsibility to break the silence.

Failure of Armed Struggle

Armed conflict has proven to be too remote to achieve any significant success or minimal effectiveness.

Eroding the Palestinian Civil Society from Within Over the Last 30 Years

The Oslo dealers have dedicated their efforts to attacking Palestinian civil society, eradicating the achievements of the First Intifada.

Lack of a Political Structure

The Oslo dealers, presented as insiders, were able to effectively dismantle any Palestinian political structures that withstood Israeli attempts.

Those who did not conform to the Oslo sellout and its settler-colonial project have been attacked by Oslo dealers both inside the Palestinian Occupied Territories and abroad through affiliated diplomacy.

Following the Naksa,

Facing the Deception

1. Centralized Military Mindset and Lack of Accountability

Over 50 years, there was a lack of transparency and responsibility within centralised military mindset, where decision-making processes and actions may not be subject to scrutiny or oversight. After 50 years, it’s our duty to admit and discuss the deception.

2. Shifting Global Attention

First Intifada's success in capturing global attention and diverting focus away from unsuccessful armed resistance towards grassroots movements which are characterized by decentralized organization and mobilization from the bottom-up, often involving ordinary people and community-based initiatives.

3. Regional Dynamics and Sponsor Interests

The First Intifada managed to redirect attention from broader regional dynamics and the interests of external sponsors or backers of armed resistance movements. Instead, the focus shifts towards the local grievances and aspirations of Palestinians engaged in nonviolent resistance.

4. Deception and Unrealistic Military Rhetoric

The deceptive, pompous, and unrealistic military rhetoric with smoke effects has been always in contrast with the grounded, grassroots nature of the First Intifada's resistance tactics

Resist the

Normalization of Evil

Oslo dealers have prepared the ground for Israel to embolden its genocidal settler colonial supremacy over the past 30 years.

Patriotic Rhetoric & Lack of Accountability

The centralised leadership often used patriotic rhetoric to deter dissent and accountability. The military mindset within this structure tended to dismiss logic and dissent, reinforcing centralised power dynamics.

Traditional Leadership in Exile

Armed Fighters for 20 Years
Settler Colonial Police Force for 30 years

exhibits distinct characteristics and approaches 


Traditional leadership in exile often relied on armed resistance strategies, which proved to be ineffective and contributed to internal divisions.

Never Been Accountable:

This leadership, historically, has not been held accountable for its decades of failed policies and strategies.

In Exile:

The leadership used to operate from a position of exile, detached from the day-to-day realities of the occupied territories.

Involved in Regional Interests and Sponsors:

This leadership was entangled in regional power dynamics and often sought sponsorship from external actors.

Used Patriotic Rhetoric to Silence Opposition:

Patriotic rhetoric was often used to suppress internal dissent and maintain control over the narrative.

Culture of Power and Hierarchy:

The traditional leadership embraced a hierarchical structure, concentrating power in the hands of a few individuals.

Anniversary Celebrative Activities:

Instead of grassroots activism, this leadership was known for celebrative events that did not contribute significantly to the Palestinian cause.

Thriving by Using the Poor and Children:

The corrupt leadership was criticized for exploiting the youth and vulnerable segments of society for its own agenda.

Shallow and Rusty:

The leadership's approach was often criticized for lacking depth and adaptability, becoming stagnant over time.


Goals and strategies were at times ambiguous, leading to confusion and a lack of clarity among the Palestinian population.


The leadership, at times, displayed a sense of arrogance, contributing to a disconnection from the grassroots.


There were instances of deception, where the leadership pursued hidden agendas not aligned with the interests of the Palestinian people.

Not Allowed to Return to Their Homes